Friday, October 3, 2008

Mr. Sullivan's Disabled Learning Presentation

I thought that the presentation was very informative and interesting. To me, it was very inspiring how someone like Mr. Sullivan is able to teach people to how to educate the disabled, when he himself is legally blind, by giving us the perspective of people in that situation. What I learned is that the disabled have legal rights in having online web access, among other rights of getting special help that they may need in the education system, that being thanks to many laws passed. I also learned that the disabled can help themselves, using special devices and Mr. Sullivan showed us this keybord for the blind that they use when they use the computer, and it seems to be very sophisticated and how it has all these special features like the rail and sensors, for the blind to be able to feel what is going on in the computer, which is why this device costs 6000 dollars according to Mr. Sullivan. In addition, he told us certain behaviors to look for in students to determine if they are disabled, whether they are short of hearing or seeing, etc. I think the information can help me be a better teacher by letting me be more aware of my disabled students in class by their behaviors, especially blind ones, but disabled in general also, and to help me to address their disablity and to apply/give them their legal rights and to know how to teach them to help themselves and be independent, like Mr. Sullivan .

1 comment:

G.Tashbin said...

great write up on the presentation