Friday, September 19, 2008

Google Thinking

Regarding the Changing the Way We Think article, I agree that Google and online search engines in general are innovative inventions that did modify our way of thinking and perception, especially in the way that we receive information and ideas. The way I see it is and according to a part of the article to my understanding, that online searching limits us to information from sources that agree with our views and ideas, that we are not forced to see things form different perspectives and I suppose that is a downside to this phenomenon. I personally do not see any changes in my stimulus or changes in my personality and behaviour because of internet surfing, I feel the same person as before and if any changes occured, they were for the better because I learned a lot from the internet and from going to different websites about different issues, which takes me to the next point. I agree with the article that online searching encourages assimilative learning and finding referencial materials, but I disagree that it does not encourage material that causes changing of views because online searching has caused me at some instances to modify my ideas and opinions. I also think it is amazing how a person can text a long story with 160 or even 140 characters as you can do in some websites according to the article. Overall, I think that online searching/Google is a great invention for the human mind and does not make us any less intelligent, if not more, in my perspective.

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